The Unthinkable...A Mistake!

Although we strive to get everything perfect every time, that is not always the reality.  On occasion a misunderstanding or error occurs…sometimes it is in the way it was cut, sometimes in the way it was wrapped and sometimes we just plain missed something. 

In the case of mistakes it is always our hope that we catch it before it gets to you.  We would prefer to be telling you the bad news and seeing if there is anything that we can do to fix it versus you being disappointed when you are unpacking your boxes. 

No matter what the situation, please do not hesitate to give us a call if you are not sure of something.  The sooner we know what the problem is the sooner we can try to rectify the situation if possible.  We ask that you phone us within 7-10 days after picking up your order to notify us of any problems or discrepancies.